J2EE Consulting

J2EE consulting and development spans a broad spectrum of technologies and design concepts encompassing web technologies, database connectivity, transactional systems, business components, and web services. We maintain in-depth expertise in a variety of industry standard and open-source J2EE technologies. We offer full life cycle J2EE and Java consulting services that are targeted towards a range of business sizes and project complexity levels.

Design and Architecture

By analyzing your business needs, our consultants will determine which J2EE technologies and design methodologies should be leveraged to best meet your technical and business objectives.

  1. Using design methodologies to to identify your business processes
  2. Create models of your processes to identify the different components
  3. Design objects that best utilize the features of J2EE systems
  4. Implement application design via industry standard tools and processes

Areas of Expertise

Application Servers

A Typical Project

We have managed many projects from design to deployment and support, but are also willing to act as a subcontractor or as a supplement to your existing team. Our primary points of focus are quality of output and customer satisfaction. We will always work within our customer's constraints to achieve these goals.

Scheduling & Pricing

All scheduling and pricing arrangements are made through ActiveWire's account management staff at 410-547-8277. We may always be contacted by email at